Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I wonder as I ponder...

I wonder as I ponder... Well, I'm trying to figure this whole blog thing out. No one would ever call me a computer nerd...please don't laugh too hard as I learn this.....I remember when pc's first came on the market...what the hell would some one need a computer in their home for? If they can't balance their check book, or write soemthing down to remember it...they should start riding the short bus instead of driving a car....famous last words!

Monday, October 30, 2006

getting to know you...

My name is Kim and I live in Doncaster, South Yorkshire. Originally from California and then living in North Carolina for 25+ years, I moved here two years ago to marry my sweet guy, Dave. We've just celebrated anniversary number two. I'm not saying it's been easy, but nothing involving more than one person is. There are always differences of opinion, temprament, and body clock to deal with...of course that's what makes it fun!

Currently I have started learning to make patch-work quilts. So if there are any quilters out there, come visit! My other passions are writing, gardening, and cooking.

That is all I'm going to write for now, I want to see how this looks and reads, etc. The Dave man has just come down for coffee and the start of another day.

Be Blessed,