Monday, January 22, 2007

Garden Grief

Gardening is another of my love/hate relationships. I have all these plans and then....Mr.Man knocks them back everytime. I wanted a pond...nothing fancy, just a nice little pond. I wanted it either round or kidney shaped. No! It's easier if it's square or rectangle. I wanted it flush with the, it needs to be slightly above so grass doesn't get into it. Everything I wanted to do, he had different ideas and since I've never had a pond before I was bullied into doing what HE wanted. Well, now, I have a pond half dug and he says it's too much can he say that!!!! I've been the one digging it out! I've been the one piling up dirt, etc. He has really infuriated me! I almost gave myself a heart attack last summer digging out the damn thing and now he wants to fill it in....over my dead body...maybe!

As they used to say in The Three a crass Southern accent...."Sir-This means War!"

He's going to wish he'd just kept his mouth shut and done what I wanted in the first place.

He wants to do stuff, but he doesn't want to do the work. He buys all his model trains, but then, never puts them together....

He is so afraid of starting something...he never does.

His excuse for not wanting to do the pond and the back garden..."If we get lucky on the lottery we won't want to stay here and take care of the garden." What?????

If we don't get lucky on the lottery we will spend the rest of our lives looking at a crummy back garden! Shit, if we are supposed to spend our lives waiting to do anything till we win the lottery....take that damn hole the pond is at the moment and bury me in it....cause it's just going to be a slow boring life waiting to die.

That's like saying I'm going to wait to cook dinner till I get a whole side of beef given to ain't gonna happen!!!!!