Friday, November 03, 2006

I wonder as I ponder...

Cats....I have only one cat, Abbey. I originally wanted to get two, a male named Whitby to complete the name of my first really historic site I saw when I first visited Dave here in England...Whitby Abbey. I could feel the Holy Spirit's power there even before I knew anything about it. Caedmon was a member of the Christian community there in Whitby. Working as a handiman, shepherd, etc. Being a common man he had no education and no musical training. However, he had a dream where he was told to sing songs to God. The songs and music flowed from him, and he is credited with writing the first praise songs. Caedmon's Hymn

What does that have to do with cats...nothing except I never got another cat to name Whitby, so Abbey is queen of the castle. A monarchy not to take lightly. I jumped down Dave's throat for feeding her from the table when she first came to live with us. Now, I'm eating my words as she reaches up to nab something off my plate, since I started dropping an occasional snack down to her. She sits in front of the fire at night and turns to look at us, till we light it, then stretching out, she rolls about like a chicken on the rotteserie (sp?). Now, after waking me at 5:30, she is sound asleep on the back of the sofa and I am on the pc because I can't go back to sleep! She will no doubt adjust to Day light savings the spring when we change the clocks.....Perhaps, she is waking me up for morning prayer?

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